Saturday, May 16, 2009


"Sweet 16"

Happy Birthday to me! I am so happy. Sad, but happy. I had so much fun last night. I drank and drank and drank until I had to force the alcohol down my throat (too many birthday shots). But all much, much appreciated. ;-)
My Sista and Mama called me this morning and sang to me...I cried. They called me at 9:30am...I went to bed at 6am. It was a good night. I can't believe my Mom called me, "half a century old." I think she's getting old. Quarter of a century, Mom, quarter of a century.
Sooooo....there's another party tonight. I love my Birthday.
One of my favorite quotes of the night: Andre says to me, "This is like an MTV episode."

1 comment:

beach03me said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!