Monday, November 23, 2009

In a Nutshell

For Nicole

My day in a nutshell:

1.) My co-worker got fired today (the one who I trained with).

2.) I went to the doctor and now have appliances to "unlock" my jaw. I also was scolded at by my doctor for not icing my jaw joint every hour of every day. Oops.

3.) Received a list of my soft food diet:

a.) Balance Shakes

b.) Soft boiled eggs

c.) Mashed potatoes mixed with beef bullion

d.) Soup

e.) Metrecal

f.) Baby food (yes, baby food)

g.) Ensure

Is this list for real? Not happening.....

4.) I saw "This Is It," for the 9th time in the movie theatre.

That sums it up. I'm so excited for this 4 day (busy, busy) weekend! WOOP!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Sunday Funday

I have my 2nd doctor's appointment tomorrow for my jaw issues. I am currently not allowed to eat anything hard or chewy. Also, no caffeine, especially coffee. No chips, no popcorn, no cereal, no caramel, no gum...the list goes on and on. Really sucks. But my jaw is beginning to loosen up a little. It's been "locked" for over a month. But it'll be ok. Life is looking up compared to what it looked like a couple of weeks ago...
To update you on the car situation, I bought the Mazda 3, but I don't have car insurance. I also need to get the title changed over, get the bumper checked out, and go to the DMV for a new license plate. Ohhh, the process.
On a brighter note, I'm an Auntie now! Little Dilan Rai Cortez was born November 15th, 2009 at 9:23pm; 7lbs 5oz, 21 inches. He is SO freakin' cute! I love the little guy. Ryan and Kavita will be great, loving and proud parents. xxoo

Sunday, November 8, 2009


Clearing out my bedroom now (and the entire top floor of the house, for that matter)...and I mean right now. The reason being, wood floor will be put down tomorrow; which means, I will be out of a room and a bathroom for a few days (once the flooring is put down, it has to set for 3 additional days before furniture, or anything else, can be put down atop of it). So, these next few days will be chaos. I may be staying in a hotel. If you need me, call/text me. :)

And if you haven't seen the MJ movie, This Is It, PLEASE go and see it NOW. I've seen it 8 times so far...and I plan to continue seeing it. I make no apologies for being a huge Michael Jackson fan. It still devastates me that we lost such a talented singer, dancer, performer so prematurely. And I'm not usually one to get upset over celebrity deaths, however, this one really gets to me, still...

In regards to my car situation, I'm in the process of buying one from my brother's friend (it's a Mazda 3, 2006). However, there's a few minor issues that need immediate attention. Once that's been taken care of, then I plan to purchase it. :-)

Ok, off to take care of business!