Monday, October 12, 2009

Sad Face

Well, in today's news: I have temporomandibular joint disorder- which is also referred to as TMJ or TMD. I first noticed this maybe two or three years ago, but never was it as serious as it is now. Today my jaw has been "locked" all freakin' day! It's only painful if I try to pop it and it doesn't give. If I'm able to pop it, it's great relief, but usually locks right back up again. It sucks- a lot. I think it's really bad right now due to stress. I know I need to get it checked out, but am too stubborn to take a day off work to do so. I'm never "normal." If it's not a broken bone, it's a pinched nerve. If it's not a pinched nerve, it's a joint problem. If it's not a joint problem, it's nerve damage, etc, etc. I think you get the point. I told my Mom that it's no big deal, but I do think I'm dying. I said, "Mom, it's ok, I accept it." But she doesn't give me my blessing.

Other than my jaw issue, today was a great day! I met with my manager and succeeded in solving a real-life problem! I pat myself on the back.

If you know anything about TMJ, could you please, please let me know anything! I've been researching a bit about it, but have found little helpful information.
Arigato gozaimasu!

1 comment:

beach03me said...

I know it gets worse with stress because people tend to tense their jaws in stressful situations. I'm pretty sure popping some anti-inflammatories and a heat pack will help it relax - that helps for tight muscles and it's your jaw muscles that go into spasms. After my jaw surgery I was supposed to put hot washcloths on my face (wet it and put in microwave)and take plenty of advil. Good luck! I'm sorry babe!