Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Another Work Week

Busy, but good busy, day today. I went to Oroku Jusco this morning to do some light shopping (well, actually, my only intention was to buy a fresh bag of coffee beans from Starbucks. But then it turned into shopping). I picked up a couple of cute pieces (one great deal- a top on sale for only 980 yen. The original price was 3,990 yen). Woo-woo! I love saving money.

I taught 5 classes today (1 private, 3 elementary, and 1 JHS/SHS class). After finishing class at 9pm, Brian and I watched iron chefs prepare octopus, eel, and pig. Yeah, that was gross. But it made the hour go by fast (we had to stick around because we had a work meeting at 10pm). I hate work meetings. They usually go until 11:00pm, or so...and all I want to do is eat dinner!

I saw one of Bill's friends late last night...let's call him Bob. Bob's dead now. He was a fast mother f*****, but not fast enough! I sprayed him down with all sorts of shiz. The worst part was removing his body from the bathroom floor into the toilet. I screamed a little. I am going to San-A right now to find the most toxic bug killer-spray available. I don't want to get attacked by cockroaches in my sleep. I especially don't want them crawling in my ears, building nests, having babies and eating my brain. Great, now I am going to have nightmares tonight.

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