Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Whoever said that, "cockroaches are more scared of you than you are of them," is a liar. So not true. Reason #1) They don't scream as loud as I do (even during an English lesson) and #2) They chase after me as I'm trying to run away from them.
I currently have in my possession a bottle of roach killer and 3 bottles of hairspray- watch out you gross cockroaches. Steer clear. You're on my bad side.
I really love that one of my high school students is in love with her 30-40 year old math/archery teacher. Good for her! Didn't we all have a crush on at least one of our school teachers? If you just answered no, you are a liar.
Goodnight from Japan Land. Sweet Dreams.

1 comment:

beach03me said...

what teacher did you have a crush on in high school???