Saturday, June 13, 2009

I Love to Sleep; Who Knew?

Wow. Working yesterday and today was beyond exhausting. It's 63% my fault for staying up until 7am Friday morning (after going out drinking Thursday night), then getting a solid 4 hours of sleep before going into work. So, for two days, I have yet to catch up on those 4 hours I missed out on and desperately need. I've been trying not to fall asleep during my classes. Seriously, I had a difficult time keeping my eyes open these past 2 days. I took partial naps during my breaks, but didn't want to fall completely asleep for fear of not waking up in time for my next class. Let's just say I'm relieved to catch up on sleep this weekend. I'm not even going out tonight (and it's Saturday night) because I feel so sleep-deprived. Tonight's going to be an early night for me and I love this idea.
Since when do I need at least 8 hours of sleep? In high school and college I hardly ever slept and was completely functional. I used to think I suffered from insomnia. Well, not anymore.
If it's not one problem, it's another...

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