Friday, June 5, 2009

I Don't Know What To Do- Help!

Hmmm...Boss Man wants me to stay in Japan until August 8th. He found a replacement for me who could be here the first week of August (then I'd spend the week training the newbie). I don't know whether or not I should agree to do this or not? What do you think? Of course I want to leave more than anything (sooner than later); however, I do want to leave on a good note in a positive, professional way. Please let me know any of your thoughts on the matter.
After my last class tonight, one of my students came up to me and said, "Miss Sarah, you seem sad. Are you ok?" I had no idea I seemed sad during class. I do my best to keep my personal life personal. However, I suppose if it's all I can think about (wanting to go home), I'm fairly easy to read. I'm not a good actress.

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