Friday, April 17, 2009

April Showers

It has been raining all day long. The worst part was driving on my ginskey this morning to the Air Base to teach my private lesson. We all know how prone I am to accidents; and driving on the slippery road is not my ideal way to get from point A to point B. But you gotta do what you gotta do, right? ~ Anyway, this morning's lesson was superb. The 2 hours flew by. Komiyama and I talked about Alaska (where he's going for duty in Sep/Oct), food (especially Japanese food), and my English classes at the school. He is such a nice man and knows more English than he even credits himself for.
The rest of the day was fine, you know, the usual. Although, teaching with laryngitis is extremely difficult. I only hope I can make it through my 10 hour day tomorrow. I may have absolutely no voice by the end of it. As of now, I still have a little left in me. But it's going, going, going...

1 comment:

beach03me said...

Really Sarah, you should check the seams of your mattress for bed bugs. I had a horrible ordeal with them last year, I brought them home from New York I think (look it up, they're everywhere nowadays) and mine started out the same - I woke up with what I thought were mosquito bites.

And if they are mosquitos, put bugspray on before bed!

FEEL BETTER WITH THE BITES AND THE LARYNGITIS! you may have a surprise coming any day now....